Teslin Participaties
Dutch shareholdings
Teslin Participaties Coöperatief UA (‘Teslin Participaties’) was founded in June 2017 as a successor of investment funds Darlin and Todlin. With interests in Dutch listed companies, the portfolios of both Darlin and Todlin were merged in July 2017 into Teslin Participaties.
Teslin Participaties holds sizeable interests in Dutch listed companies. The stock market value of a company when we start investing is max €2 billion, meaning that Teslin Participaties focuses on smaller companies. Teslin Participaties invests solely after having performed a fundamental analysis in which all company-specific risks, including risks in the field of sustainability, are integrally taken into account and weighed up. Teslin Participaties presents itself as an enterprising investor who, by structurally exerting influence in the areas of strategy, capital allocation and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), strives for sustainable value creation in the long term. In addition, Teslin Participaties aims to define and guide instrumental strategic developments at the companies in which we invest, such as a bid for the company by a third party. We call this "entrepreneurial shareholding"; long-term critical involvement in a constructive and cooperative manner. Teslin Participaties’ committed investment philosophy works best with a focused portfolio of 10-15 companies. Teslin Participaties manages risks through its expert knowledge of the companies and industries it invests in and the effectiveness with which it exercises influence.