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European small caps

Midlin invests in small to medium-sized, ambitious companies (small and mid caps) listed in the Netherlands, Belgium, the DACH region and Scandinavia. These are value-creating companies with promising prospects and often pay out attractive dividends. Key selection criteria are the quality of the management, growth potential and profitability, the position in the market segment in which the company operates, vision on ESG risks and solid balance sheet ratios. Before investing, Midlin conducts a fundamental analysis in which all company-specific risks, including risks in the field of sustainability, are integrally taken into account and weighed up. Midlin acts as a constructive and committed long-term shareholder.

Midlin logo | TESLIN

Value and returns of Midlin

Intrinsic value
per 11/10/2024
€ 209,34

(from 11/10/2024)
(reinvested dividend included)

Average annual return

3 years-2,5%
5 years7,1%
10 years7,8%
Since inception (in 2006)6,3%

Based on reinvested dividend, as of the last day of the previous month
Annual returns of Midlin*
2023 13,0%
2022 -12,8%
2021 25,1%
2020 13,7%
2019 28,6%

Including reinvested dividend, after costs, based on a calendar year
Historical return Midlin (per September 30th, 2024)*


Includes reinvested dividend
Dividend paid out by Midlin

Midlin aims to pay out an annual dividend that at least equals that of the previous year.

BNP Paribas SA, Netherlands branch, calculates the intrinsic value on every first working day of the week. Our external accountant, KPMG Accountants NV, verifies our financial statements and valuation at the financial year-end.

The value of your investment may fluctuate. Past results are no guarantee for future results. A Key Investor Information Document is available for this product. This includes information about the product, the costs and the risks. Please ask for this information and review it before you buy the product.

Fund manager Midlin

Rombout Houben (1971) studied business management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. After a career as an equity analyst at IRIS/Robeco, he worked as a senior portfolio manager in 2005-2007, with responsibility for funds including the Robeco European Midcap Equities fund.

Rombout is a member of the Eumedion investment committee. He is part of the Teslin team since 2007 and is fund manager for Midlin.

Supervisory board Midlin

Pieter van Steenbergen

Since February 2016

Hendrik Jan ten Have

Since February 2024

Anne Louise Metz

Since February 2022

Documentation Midlin

These documents are only available in Dutch.

document midlin factsheet 11

document midlin kwartaalbericht q1 2020/2021

document midlin jaarverslag 2020 2021

Midlin EID

document midlin prospectus

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