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A good contact

Would you like to know what Teslin could do for you? We’re more than happy to talk, one to one, about how we can convert part of your capital into good investments.

For more information or to make an appointment, contact Ben-Kees Eeltink or Coen van Beuningen. Or fill in the contact form below.

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Teslin Capital Management BV

Mailing address:
PO Box 60
3950 AB Maarn
The Netherlands

Visiting address:
Woudenbergseweg 11 (Koetshuis)
3953 ME Maarsbergen
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)343 - 55 44 49
F: +31 (0)343 - 41 35 95

More information?

Would you like more general information about Teslin? Or do you want to know more about one or more specific funds? Send in the form and you will receive the requested information quickly.

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